Carriage Lane HOA Color Palette

To Access the online Color Palette, just click on the "Color Palette Link" botton below. You will be diverted to the Dunn Edwards Website - Color Archive Page. Enter your Zip Code at the bottom of the page and click on the "Submit" button. A "Select An  Association" Box will appear. Click on the little black arrow on the right of the box. This will open another Box with several association names. Select the Carriage Lane HOA by clicking on it. Then Click on the "Submit" button again. The Color palettes will appear. At the bottom of each color palette there is a "Download" and "Order" button. Clicking on the "Download" button, will download the selected color palette to your PC for archiving or printing.

Dunn Edwards has graciously created the Color Palette for the Carriage Lane HOA.
*** NOTE *** - Carriage Lane HOA does not endorse or promote any vendors.  Owners may purchase paint from any paint manufacturers as long as they comply with the CL HOA color palette.
​Dunn Edwards does offer a courtesy discount of 37% off the list price on paint purchased at a Dunn-Edwards store if you choose to do so .

Architectural Documents:

HOA Documents:


​Carriage Lane HOA